The Phrase “Color of Their Skin” is Really Getting Old

It is an often heard phrase that is as misleading as it is tiresome. “The color of their skin” is brought out often in discussions of racism, but has little to contribute to the topic. Skin color is insignificant compared to behaviour when forming judgements about a person; and by the way, surface differences aren’t just color, but also include facial and hair features. Just as we do not want to be around someone of our same color whose behavior we find disagreeable, so we do not want to be around someone of a different color whose behavior we find disagreeable.

Whether we like it or not, behaviour is in a general sense, coupled with skin color. Likewise, preferences are generally linked to skin color, which also can put off people who do not share those preferences. Without naming color, it is obvious that one color group’s behaviour tends to be loud and more animated, while another is more quiet and reserved. Preferences for the former group include bright colors and showy attire, while the latter prefers more subtle tones and vestments. Neither is necessarily right or wrong, just different. People are naturally going to be attracted to and group with like people, and if they want to be with people that are unlike them, that is their choice. This association should not be forced as it has been and is being done. Coerced love, respect, and acceptance has no lasting foundation. It is a weak and temporary facade that comes crashing down under pressure.

A nation is weakened when it is held hostage to the past. Much like the enemy of our souls attacks and attempts to weaken Christians by bringing up forgiven past sin, so the enemies of our nation employ the same tactic. The past sins of our nation are embellished in order to downplay the positive pursuits and progress of a country that has been a bastion of freedom and a benefactor to a world that to it is drawn. If we are to overcome this enemy, we must reject the lies that it relentlessly puts forth, and focus on truth. That truth is that faith, family, and freedom are blessings that The God of the Holy Bible has poured out on America, and He has given us the responsibility to hold and defend these so that our children can hold and defend them as well. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” Psalm 33:12.

Senator Bill Cassidy Afraid to Say the Emperor Has No Clothes

Our country is in a very bad way when its senators and many others are in denial of the obvious, or are afraid to speak the truth. Recently, a man called Dr Rachel Levine, who pretends to be a woman, was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Health.

Thankfully, Senator Bill Cassidy voted no on Levine’s confirmation, but his reason for doing so reveals a primary problem in America. Cassidy said his reason was because Levine gave disappointing answers to questions about COVID-19. It wasn’t because Levine was unfit for the job because of obvious mental issues. If a man dressed up as a woman isn’t enough to disqualify a person from a top position in the federal government, then what is?

It is unthinkable that the likes of Levine can even be considered for a government post, much less actually be confirmed. It is no wonder that America is losing its position as the most secure and prosperous country in the world when it is turning into a disturbed fantasyland. Denying truth does not change it.

Here is Senator Bill Cassidy’s statement:

Dear Mr. Bolden: Thank you for writing in with your thoughts on Dr. Rachel Levine becoming the Assistant Secretary of Health. I appreciate you taking time to write me on this issue. Dr. Levine was nominated by President Biden to be the Assistant Secretary of Health. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask Dr. Levine some questions during a HELP committee hearing.   They weren’t leading questions. They weren’t prejudicial. They weren’t trap questions. They were just something I expect a doctor to know. Dr.Vivek Murthy, the other doctor who was up there for CDC, answered them. Dr. Levine gave me a disappointing answer, which I felt was insufficient. It was disappointing to hear because I expect someone with her background to be able to get a decent answer as to what are risk factors and what is the relative importance of risk factors for dying from COVID-19. How are we going to deal with COVID-19 if the doctor who will be involved in this can’t give me a straight answer on what the risk factors are and their relative importance? For these reasons I decided to vote against Dr. Levine for Assistant Secretary of H ealth. I will continue to represent the views of my state and do so through hearing from constituents like you. Please continue to reach out, either by phone or by email, when you have another question or concern. You can reach my office in Washington DC at 202-224-5824 or submit an email at Sincerely,

  Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.

The Great Deception of 2020

Nearly 100 years after the Great Depression, which can be argued was brought about through deceit, the year 2020 may be known as the year of the Great Deception. The racism deception, the COVID 19 deception and the election deception are a three pronged attack on America and the world. There are other prongs in this attack, such as homosexuality, abortion, and others, but this article will only address the first three issues. The old divide and conquer strategy is being used by those who would destroy America; the world standard of liberty. The godless communist worldview is being aggressively pitted against the God fearing, freedom loving worldview.

Racism should not be confused with the fact of life that birds of a feather flock together. It should also not be confused with a group of people being suppressed by their own behavior or by their government. Opportunities for advancement are available to all in America, if not especially for those categorized as part of a minority group.

According to the U S Census Bureau, in 2019 blacks were 13.4% of the U S population, yet they are 22% of the mayors of the 50 largest U S cities. They make up 13% of the U S House of Representatives. 75% of the NBA is black, 65% of the NFL, but only 5% of the NHL. Home ownership rates are disproportionately high for blacks at over 40% while white ownership is consistent with their population at just over 70%. 77% of white children in the U S live in two parent homes, while 37% (the lowest among races) of black children live in two parent homes. This coincides with median incomes, with blacks at the lowest and whites near the top. It appears that income has more to do with family stability than with race.

Police brutality and oppression against blacks is another lie spread by Leftist media. Racism has nothing to do with police presence and activity. Where do you see bars on windows and doors? It is mostly in black neighborhoods. Why? A major reason goes back to the low percentage of two parent homes. Without a stable home as God designed it to be, children are more likely to become involved in crime, and continue to be involved in it into adulthood. Therefore, police encounters with all races is proportional to the races’ criminal involvement.

COVID 19 is a relatively new weapon in the arsenal of Leftists. Who would have thought that so many could be deceived into fearing a disease that 94.6-99% of those who contract it recover, to the extent of government forcing people to close their businesses (unless it is a large business such as Walmart or Home Depot), schools, churches, and even home gatherings. The COVID deception, much more than the disease itself, has done tremendous damage to America and the world. Our laws have been ignored and bypassed in order to achieve the “greater good”. Freedom of assembly and the free exercise of religion (Christianity) has been restrained, tax money has been unlawfully distributed, livelihoods have been forcibly suspended, face covering with all that entails has been mandated, and choice of treatment for the illness has been taken from doctors and patients and ordered by overreaching government.

The presidential election of 2020 has proven to be the most corrupt in American history, and likely shows how so many corrupt politicians get re-elected time and again. The deception surrounding COVID 19 was a major part of the election deception. Mail in ballots were forced upon the public in many locations to “help prevent the spread of COVID” at the polls. In some cases, these ballots were not mailed to individuals at their request, but were mailed out en masse with many being gathered by unintended recipients and marked for the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. This was only one method of “stuffing the ballot box”, with electronic votes being switched from President Trump to Biden, ballots for Biden being counted multiple times, and Biden votes cast somehow by those no longer living being other forms of election fraud.

The “rule of law”, while constantly touted by left-wing legislators, is obviously not in play by the left; or by many who are supposedly on the right. A reading of the Constitution is all one needs to see this, especially Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Liars and pretenders (search The Pretenders on this website) in the government, the media, academia, many pulpits, and other places have nearly taken control of the country, and much of the population is deceived by them. Whatever they say is usually the opposite of what is true. Now is the time for the law to be applied to them accordingly.

1913: The Looting Begins

Looting is not a new activity in America. It has just moved from behind the scenes where bankers, financiers, government officials, and other “elites” quietly take Americans’ money and possessions. Their lawlessness has led to the out in the open break and take mobs that are running rampant in the Democratic controlled cities across the country.

In 1913, during the Woodrow Wilson administration, the Federal Reserve was established. The power to coin money and regulate the value of it was taken away from its Constitutional place in Congress and was given to this illegal institution which consisted of a handful of manipulators that worked the strings of those in powerful positions of government. Almost all records of inflation rates begin in 1913. Before the crime of the establishment of the Federal Reserve, inflation was virtually nonexistent. Not long after the perpetration, inflation began a steady increase.

The next major phase of looting began in 1933 under the Franklin D Roosevelt administration and his “New Deal”. Suffering economically from the Great Depression, Americans were ripe for the picking. Regardless of the lack of constitutional authority for such expenditures, government programs were established to “help” Americans make it through the crisis. It is interesting that the “crisis” occurred in spite of, or perhaps because of, the Federal Reserve currency control. Either way, America had drifted further from its constitutional anchor and closer to socialism. Precedence had been set and such programs continued after the economy recovered.

Harry Truman followed the pinko path with his “Fair Deal” agenda, announced in 1949, which added more taxpayer subsidies. Along the same path came Lyndon Johnson in 1964 with his “War on Poverty”. From around 1950 up to Johnson’s unconstitutional war, the number of Americans who were officially considered poor had fallen by 20%. This downward trend ended with the beginning of the poverty war, as if intended. After more than 20 trillion of Americans’ dollars, not including social security and medicare, the poverty level has remained the same as when Johnson’s looting of Americans began.

Marxist groups such as BLM and Antifa, some ignorant individuals, governors, academia, media, and mayors, and other thieves have taken their cue from the “leaders” in Washington. The bending, breaking, and sidestepping of the Constitution has led to its disregard in many ways. “Legal” looting has given way to “allowed” looting. This began in earnest under the Obama administration and its degradation of America. By portraying America as fundamentally racist and corrupt, Obama gave license to its destruction.

Now America is reaping what was sown. By disregarding the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Biblical principles that America was founded upon and which are found in these documents, the country is falling into an immoral abyss. The main purpose of government, which is to protect life, liberty, and property, is being left to individuals and those in law enforcement who stand firm in their duty in the face of prosecution for doing so.

The Term “White Privilege” is Leftist Propaganda

There is a communist element in the world that is concentrating on the destruction of America, using the tried and true method of divide and conquer. This communist element is entrenched in media, education, entertainment, many state governments, and especially the federal government. The American people, by and large, are not taken with their propaganda. However, their constant barrage of lies deceive many, and leave patriots exasperated as to what to do about it. There have been many assaults by this evil cabal, including the devaluation of currency and excessive taxation to fund unconstitutional programs that ultimately make citizens dependants of the government (read “A Lawless America” here). The worst strikes on the United States have been against its righteousness as a nation through the promotion of pornography, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, transsexuality, profanity, general immorality, and anti-christianity. The Leftists’ latest series of salvos are a two pronged attack against America. One prong divides America by covering the land with the false idea of “white privilege”. The other spreads fear of a disease, withholds the cure, and steals the American people blind through income loss and inflated prices for goods and services.

A little research dispels the notion of “white privilege”. Aside from programs and quotas (affirmative action) that favor “non-whites”, such as the USDA giving over a billion dollars in $50,000 payouts (some much larger) to black farmers who claim discrimination, often with little to no evidence, blacks generally hold a proportionate number in income levels and government positions, including a recent presidency. In some cases, such as in sports, they are disproportionately over-represented. Could this be because God has given them the talent to excel in this area? Does this mean that others have been discriminated against by not being given the same talent? The answer is yes, but discrimination is part of life. 1 Corinthians 12: 4-5 in the Word of God tells us: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”

According to the U S Census Bureau, in 2019 blacks were 13.4% of the U S population, yet they are 22% of the mayors of the 50 largest U S cities. They make up 13% of the U S House of Representatives. 75% of the NBA is black, 65% of the NFL, but only 5% of the NHL. Home ownership rates are disproportionately high for blacks at over 40% while white ownership is consistent with their population at just over 70%. 77% of white children in the U S live in two parent homes, while 37% (the lowest among races) of black children live in two parent homes. This coincides with median incomes, with blacks at the lowest and whites near the top. It appears that income has more to do with family stability than with race.

Police brutality and oppression against blacks is another lie spread by Leftist media. Racism has nothing to do with police presence and activity. Where do you see bars on windows and doors? It is mostly in black neighborhoods. Why? A major reason goes back to the low percentage of two parent homes. Without a stable home as God designed it to be, children are more likely to become involved in crime, and continue to be involved in it into adulthood. Therefore, police encounters with all races is proportional to the races’ criminal involvement.

The media and government reaction, and in turn the public reaction to COVID-19 is unprecedented and unfounded, especially in light of the fact that there is a cure and preventative. It is criminally insane to force the closures of businesses and to forbid gatherings in a supposed effort to stay a virus, and to outlaw the prescribing of an inexpensive and readily available antidote (hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin) for the virus that is also a preventative. There could be no other reason than this is a communist tactic to collapse a capitalistic economy, to control and kill citizens, and to fund the communist cause through sales of untried and expensive medicines.

The communist attack must be met with truth and action. How many times will those that are part of their group or that allow their activities to go unchecked be elected and re-elected to Congress, state legislatures, governorships, mayorships, and city councils? How long will they be allowed to cheat the vote through mail in ballots, waiving photo ID requirements to vote, and other means? When freedom is not maintained, vermin are always there to bring about destruction. Too many have too much invested in America to abandon it and hand over what is left to those who will enslave us.