Our country is in a very bad way when its senators and many others are in denial of the obvious, or are afraid to speak the truth. Recently, a man called Dr Rachel Levine, who pretends to be a woman, was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Health.
Thankfully, Senator Bill Cassidy voted no on Levine’s confirmation, but his reason for doing so reveals a primary problem in America. Cassidy said his reason was because Levine gave disappointing answers to questions about COVID-19. It wasn’t because Levine was unfit for the job because of obvious mental issues. If a man dressed up as a woman isn’t enough to disqualify a person from a top position in the federal government, then what is?
It is unthinkable that the likes of Levine can even be considered for a government post, much less actually be confirmed. It is no wonder that America is losing its position as the most secure and prosperous country in the world when it is turning into a disturbed fantasyland. Denying truth does not change it.
Here is Senator Bill Cassidy’s statement:
Dear Mr. Bolden: Thank you for writing in with your thoughts on Dr. Rachel Levine becoming the Assistant Secretary of Health. I appreciate you taking time to write me on this issue. Dr. Levine was nominated by President Biden to be the Assistant Secretary of Health. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask Dr. Levine some questions during a HELP committee hearing. They weren’t leading questions. They weren’t prejudicial. They weren’t trap questions. They were just something I expect a doctor to know. Dr.Vivek Murthy, the other doctor who was up there for CDC, answered them. Dr. Levine gave me a disappointing answer, which I felt was insufficient. It was disappointing to hear because I expect someone with her background to be able to get a decent answer as to what are risk factors and what is the relative importance of risk factors for dying from COVID-19. How are we going to deal with COVID-19 if the doctor who will be involved in this can’t give me a straight answer on what the risk factors are and their relative importance? For these reasons I decided to vote against Dr. Levine for Assistant Secretary of H ealth. I will continue to represent the views of my state and do so through hearing from constituents like you. Please continue to reach out, either by phone or by email, when you have another question or concern. You can reach my office in Washington DC at 202-224-5824 or submit an email at https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/contact. Sincerely,

Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.
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