
The nation has elected a Republican president and Republican majorities to the House and Senate, in part to reduce government spending of our money.  However, with the recent budget bill that was voted for and signed into law by those who are so generous with our money, the spending limit has increased by $300 billion over two years.  Much of this increase is for the military, but there are plenty of ways to let us keep our money by cutting wasteful spending.  One such cut should have been to the baby butcher outfit Planned Parenthood, but Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, President Trump, and other Republicrats joined in giving the murderers our money.  Instead of getting to spend this portion of our own money to buy food, help orphans, start a business, or for any other good purpose, we aid Planned Parenthood’s macabre activity by handing over to them half a billion dollars a year.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it say Congress or any other body is authorized to take the people’s money and give it to an organization that takes innocent life.  In fact, the opposite is true.  One of government’s few purposes is to protect life.  The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  It goes on to say, “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

Many members of our federal government have an attitude of convenience toward life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and toward law in general.  They will uphold these principles and the rule of law if it is convenient to them.  If not they will find a way to avoid dealing with them or they will skirt around them.  The recently passed budget is a perfect example.  The republicrats didn’t want to rock their gravy boat, so they voted in favor of it “because they had to get some of the democrats to go along to get something done”.  The truth is that not enough of our senators and representatives want to or have enough integrity to abide by the Constitution.  They would rather go along with others who want to bend and break the laws for their advantage.  An obvious example of this is the senate’s sixty vote majority rule.  Instead of allowing bills to be passed by a simple majority, the senate keeps a sixty vote rule which they could easily do away with, and which they did do away with for the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court justice.  This way they don’t have to stand their ground and get things done such as protecting life, repealing Obamacare, securing our borders, protecting marriage, quashing the homosexual agenda, and shutting down the pornographic industry, because they don’t really want to do these things.  If they stood for truth and the Constitution, the liberal media and other loud liberals would say negative things about them.  They would then lose the support of deep pocketed progressives at election time and their tax-payer funded ride on the Washington gravy train.

Such attitudes toward life, liberty, and law are what lead to crime and corruption.  These attitudes are flowing down from those elected to high offices of government to every nook and cranny of the country.  The United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution, which are based on Biblical principles, promote and provide protection by law for life and liberty.  When these protections are disregarded by those who are supposed to be the ones assuring that they are kept in place, they are likewise disregarded by many others across the country.  A case in point is the recent shooting in a Florida school that left 17 people dead.  Such shootings, which are becoming routine in schools and other “gun free zones”, are simply the result of apathy and aversion toward law.  If life, liberty, and law are not honored by those who have been put in leadership positions to protect these essentials, then naturally there will be many who follow their lead.

The answer to ending such crimes is a return to law and order, which has been missing in the federal government for a long time.  How about returning to schools and other public places displays of the Ten Commandments, which among other things state that murder is wrong and which give direction for an orderly society?  How about we stop embracing Islam, which promotes heinous activity?  “God bless America” and “In God we trust” are common phrases in our country, but we don’t show our trust in God or seek His blessings when we welcome false gods and false religions.  How about we secure our borders to stop another source of crime?

Integrity and common sense will make for a safe and prosperous nation, but as long as career politicians such as Ryan and McConnell keep being elected, such crimes against the country will continue.  They put up a front to appear conservative and honorable, but when it comes down to it they trash the Constitution just like any other Progressive, and drag as many others as they can into the Washington sewer.

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