Democrats Still Control the Senate

A once in a lifetime opportunity exists for Republican legislators in Washington to put in place the common sense ideals expressed in the Republican platform, and put an end to the Democratic Party’s country killing corruption.  With control of the House, the Senate, the presidency, and many state governments, many of the congressmen and senators are still finding excuses to keep our country on a slippery socialist slope.

Click here for the Republican Party platform:

Or here:[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf

Compare to the Democrat Party platform:

The filibuster is now to blame for their lack of courage and will to stand against the loud mouths of the Left. Americans elected Republicans to repeal Obamacare and to help end all the other Leftists’ nonsense.  The filibuster, which allows a handful of Democrats to block any progress toward that end, is not required by the Constitution, and can be easily done away with as it was for Supreme Court nominations.  However, many of those who claim to be Republicans have signed on to a letter stating their opposition to ending the 60 vote rule that basically puts Democrats in charge of the Senate.  According to the American Family Association, 30 Republican senators have joined in agreement to let the Democrats stay in charge.

Click here for more info:

Click here to see these 30 senators and get their phone numbers:

Their likely excuse for this is that if Democrats ever retake the Senate, then the Republicans would need the filibuster to stop them.  If this happened, the Democrats would make their coup de grace and end the filibuster, which these senators lack the courage or will to do.  Besides, the Democrats don’t have to retake the Senate, they never have lost it.

The same problem is in the House of Representatives:

Read the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence, the U S Constitution, and the Bill of Rights

To read the Bible click here:

The Ten Commandments:

You shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,  but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.  For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.  You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

To read the Declaration of Independence click here:

To read the U. S. Constitution, click here:

Arrest and Prosecute Mayors, Governors, and Other Law Breakers

Obeying the law has become optional for many states, counties, and cities across the United States.  This trend began under the Obama administration, when he saw fit, as the head of the executive branch of our government, to make law enforcement optional.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “executive” as, “of or relating to the execution of the laws and the conduct of public and national affairs”.  During his devastating terms of office, he established trickle down lawlessness.  From Washington to the states, counties, cities, and individuals, obedience to laws and accountability for breaking laws has become optional.  It appears that a return to law and order will have to be by way of trickle up, from the individual to cities, counties, states, and Washington.  The people must demand that the rule of law be applied to everyone, and that means the arrest and prosecution of law breakers, beginning with those in charge of keeping the law, such as governors, sheriffs, district attorneys, and mayors.

Havens for criminals, aka sanctuary cities, counties, or states, should be the starting points for the arrests.  The following is a U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) report from March, 2017, of counties, cities, and states that release illegal aliens that have detainers issued against them from ICE:

The “enforcement” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been de-fanged by those who have no authority to do so, such as governors, mayors, and county authorities.  Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 4 of the U. S. Constitution states that Congress shall have power to establish the rule of naturalization.  Congress has established this rule, and it is the duty of the president to enforce this rule (Article 2, Section 3).

Click here for the U. S. Constitution:

Click here for the Declaration of Independence:

Click here for a free copy of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution:

Many elected and appointed officials, past and present, should be arrested and made to answer for their crimes against the people of the United States.  Countless lives have been disrupted and ruined because of their lawlessness. The lack of border security, leading to job losses for Americans, and injury and death for those affected by the crime and terrorist activities of those in the country illegally are only one example.  Others include the deaths of millions of unborn babies; excessive taxation and illicit use of that money, such as taking from some and giving to others through welfare programs; unnecessary and senseless regulations that hinder or shutdown businesses and cause loss of employment; busing children to distant schools, stealing time from them and their families, in order to force culturally different people together; the promoting of gambling; the permitting of pornography, profanity, and immorality; the prosecution of business owners for not condoning sexual deviance; the deaths of many police officers because of the stand down policies of those in command; and many other injuries, disruptions, and inconveniences caused by the disregard of law by those entrusted to promote and enforce law.

It is past time for real Americans to stand.  Where are the patriots that are cut from the same cloth as the Puritans and the other founders of our country?  If there are any in elected offices of authority, may they refuse to take part in the lawlessness sweeping across our country.  May they stand for what is true and right and make arrests to take down those who are breaking the laws of our land, no matter who they are or their position.  May they defy illegal orders from judges or other officials.  May they take back America from those who are destroying it from within before the people are forced to do so.  A price may have to be paid for doing so, but God always blesses righteousness.  We have enjoyed the blessings of the stand that those before us took for what is right.  Let us pass those blessings to those after us.

Click here for informative video trailers:


Unity, not Diversity

And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  Mark 3:24-25

The enemies of America are busy driving wedges across the country in an attempt to fracture the cohesiveness of our people that is found in our common heritage of Christianity and the freedom found only in its tenets.  In the cause of diversity, our enemies intend to force us to shed those tenets and embrace what is contrary to the well-being of our nation.  We can be united, as in the United States of America, or we can be divided, as in divided we fall; unity or diversity.  If we attempt to have both, we will become the divided states of America.

Do we really want to continue on the path that the enemy has turned us down?  The path of open borders, of immorality, of killing the unborn, and of accepting the lies of false religions.  We see where this path has led and where it is leading.  Senseless bombings, stabbings, shootings, beheadings, and other forms of killing.  We see that it has led to an out of control federal government that wastes our money on unconstitutional expenditures (Planned Parenthood, the school system, on and on) while legitimate outlays go unfunded or underfunded (highways, bridges, the military, border security, etc.).  Where we end up on this path is evident in the immorality that has permeated down to corrupting the minds of children in their earliest ages.  The following link screams the need to say enough is enough and to stand against such evil:

As far down this path of destruction as we have already come, we can see how much worse it gets up ahead.  A province of Canada serves as a road sign to us.  Please read the following:

The enemy has already invaded the ranks of our military.  With ISIS and other followers of Islam threatening civilization, North Korea pointing missiles at us, and Russia being Russia, our “leaders” of the military, including the previous and current commanders in chief, are forcing men and women together in showers and bathrooms, and discussing dealing with “male” soldiers who become pregnant.  See this:

A nation cannot remain under a banner of diversity.  Diversity is division.  As the true saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall.”  Of course there are differences, but if we are to be blessed with the prosperity and protection that we have enjoyed in the past, we must be united again as we once were, under the banner of Christianity and common sense.





Manchester Murders Should be the End of the Line for Islam

How much more death and destruction will it take for the non-Muslim world, and especially the Christian world, to shut down Islam?  The bombing at a concert in Manchester, England by a Muslim and claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS), which has left 22 dead and many more injured, should be the end of the line for Islam.  Why wait for more to die or suffer at the hands of those following the false, deadly, and hateful teachings of Islam?  These barbarians should have been stopped long ago, but have been allowed to flourish by those in high government office, the media, and those foolish enough to believe Islam is just a peaceful religion.

Governments are responsible to protect their citizens.  These steps should have been taken long ago:  Secure the borders.  Stop all travel from Muslim countries.    Send Muslims already in non-Muslim countries who are not citizens of that country back to a Muslim country.  Muslims who are citizens in a non-Muslim country should repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, or keep their false belief to themselves, and assimilate to their non-Muslim country’s culture and traditions.  Otherwise, send them to a Muslim country where they can practice their false beliefs and traditions.  Tear down all mosques.  Ban Muslims from the military and government.  Ban Muslim organizations from operating in non-Muslim countries.  End monetary and military aid to Muslim countries.  Flood Muslim nations with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ignore judges who oppose these steps.

In America, the First Amendment to the Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  There were no Muslims involved in making this amendment, or any others who had beliefs besides Christianity.  It is quite obvious that those making this amendment were referring to the establishment of a sect of Christianity.  Furthermore, this limit is only placed on Congress, which makes federal laws.  It is not placed on the individual states.  If the federal government will not protect the citizens of the country, then this responsibility falls on the state governments.  If the states will not fulfill their duty, then it is left to the local government and to the citizens themselves.

Many have tried to mitigate the culpability of Muslims by comparing their actions to atrocities of other people in the past, particularly the Crusades when those from Christian nations broke up the violent spread of Islam in Europe and the Middle East.  Islam is again attempting a violent spread, this time with the help of those with liberal leanings who apparently want to live under the harsh reality of sharia.  Wrong is wrong no matter who, what, or when it occurs.  Islam needed to be stopped during the time of the Crusades and it needs to be stopped now.  There is a crusade currently in effect against Christians that at least non-Muslims should recognize as misdirected.  Christians spread their beliefs through speaking truth in love, leaving others to choose whether to believe or not.  Islam teaches its followers to spread their belief through hate and force; believe, be killed, or perhaps become a slave.  When we hear of a bombing, a mass shooting, someone driving a vehicle into a crowd, or slashing and stabbing people, it is not a Christian wreaking the havoc.  It is consistently a Muslim.

Muslim attacks against Christian nations are not new.  America’s first war after the War for Independence was against Muslim pirates that seized non-military American ships and cargo, enslaved the crews, and held them for ransom.  Then as now, foolish attempts at appeasement were made and ransoms were paid.  In 1795 sixteen percent of the federal budget was being paid to these heathens to keep them “peaceful”.

Enough harm has been dealt in the name of the false god called Allah.  It is time for a new Crusade against Islam.