Hillary Clinton’s Indictment of the Democratic Party

Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention was an indictment against the Democratic Party.  Listing the problems of our nation, she failed to acknowledge that the problems are the result of eight years of a Democratic administration.  Corruption in Washington is rampant in both political parties, but to continue the same administration under a new name is to further relinquish our freedom, protection, prosperity, and Christian-American way of life.


Hillary began her speech by mentioning the Founder’s common purpose.  The Founders would be appalled that someone like Hillary Clinton is in the running for president, much like they would be appalled at the current administration.  Their common purpose was freedom and self-government, not a socialist government that the Democratic Party is pushing.


She next stated that powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart.  This is true.  The current administration, which she is part of, is tearing America apart in every way conceivable.  It pits race against race, promotes immoral sexual behavior, and endangers women and young girls by inviting men into women’s bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms.  The foundation of a stable and prosperous society, which is Christianity and the family, is continuously and increasingly undermined by this administration through its diversity and tolerance policies.  These policies quash freedom of religion and speech by silencing and punishing negativity toward the redefining of marriage, family, and gender.


Children are literally being pulled apart by those of Hillary’s and Obama’s ilk who desire to have unborn children torn to pieces and discarded in the name of freedom of choice.  While the child has no freedom of choice in being conceived, at least one of the two involved in the child’s conception was free to choose as to whether to engage in the act that resulted in a new soul.  The freedom of choice in such a matter should begin and end here, and not be misconstrued as license to murder.


Hillary said that the bonds of trust and respect are fraying.  They certainly are because her and most others in Washington have proven that they cannot be trusted and are not worthy of respect.  Benghazi; Fast and Furious; carelessness with confidential emails; open borders and open bathrooms; $400 million and a nuclear deal with our enemy Iran; homosexuals and transvestites normalized, allowed in the military, and running the military; and a host of other issues is why.


The former first lady stated in her speech that we won’t build a wall but we will build an economy.  Common sense would indicate that flooding the country with illegal immigrants, spending more than is available, and increasing an already oppressive tax burden would not be conducive to building but rather to destroying an economy.

She said that we will build a path to citizenship, not ban a religion, and will fight terrorism.  Building a shortcut path to citizenship and allowing a religion that promotes killing or enslaving those who don’t convert and is the main source of terrorism runs counter to fighting terrorism.  There is already a path to citizenship in our laws and for obvious reasons it needs to be made more stringent, especially for those from Muslim nations.


She said that there is too much inequality in America.  That is true where justice is concerned.  Most people who commit the crimes that she, Obama, and many others in Washington have would be in prison or executed.

The former First Lady turned potential Commander in Chief touted the powerfulness of our military.  Well, it was much more powerful before this administration emasculated it by allowing open homosexuality, terrorists, and other deviants into the ranks; and loosened its standards to accommodate women into combat units.



Hillary spoke of enduring values, freedom, equality, justice, and opportunity.  Yes, America had these once upon a time, but she, Obama, and many others in Washington have done their best to get rid of them.

She praised police officers, firefighters, doctors, and nurses.  She, the president, and others like them have caused harm and death, and continue to endanger those in these professions and others by inciting racial tension, violence, and allowing the entrance of criminals and terrorists into the country.

She stated that the founders fought a revolution so America would never have one person with all the power.  Yes.  It’s called the three branches of government and checks and balances, which we no longer use much.  The president simply bypasses Congress and issues edicts while our representatives stand by, watch, and allocate our tax dollars to fund the implementation of the edicts.  The Supreme Court bypasses Congress and passes legislation with five out of nine people, the executive branch enforces the court’s and its own illegitimate laws, and most of the members of supposedly the most powerful branch of government allow it and finance it while they enjoy their perks and paychecks.  The founders did fight, die, and made great sacrifices to give us a representative form of government, one that Hillary, Obama, and others like them may pretend to honor but vigorously undermine.

She said that children should be able to attend good schools no matter their zip code.  It is those of her mindset that have ruined the education of our country by their unconstitutional federal interference in the educational system.  From revising history to teaching immorality, our taxes have been used to dumb down our nation so that we will go along with whatever the “experts” in government tell us.

She mentioned her desire for a country where families are strong and communities are safe.  She and her party have worked diligently to weaken the family through penalizing marriage with taxes, through promoting homosexual “marriage”, through protecting pornography, and in countless other ways.  Their idea of keeping communities safe is by turning loose hundreds of illegal alien criminals, allowing anyone to cross the country’s borders, and bringing in thousands of people from enemy countries with no way to check their background.



Hillary spoke of helping working people get ahead and stay ahead.  She said that the economy isn’t working as it should, but that it is so much stronger than when Obama took office.  If the economy isn’t working as it should after eight years of Obama and Congress giving him anything he wants, then a continuation of the same policies under Hillary Clinton will not set it in order. She and those of her party make it extremely difficult for working people to even make ends meet, much less get ahead and stay ahead.  Their oppressive taxation and regulations stifle the prosperity of Americans and dampen the economy, while the Federal Reserve manipulates the money supply and devalues the hard earned wages through inflation.


She said that companies should share profits with their workers, not pad executive bonuses.  That would be nice for the employees, but what business does the government have in telling companies what to do with their money?  Rather, why doesn’t the federal government stop the armed robbery of the workers through excessive taxation and inflation, and stop greasing the palms of politicians, their pals, and our enemies with the sweat of working Americans.

She stated that she and the current administration put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program.  As if we can trust our enemy, sanctions have been lifted and $100 billion in assets have been released to Iran because they pretend that they will stop making nuclear weapons.  Another $400 million in currency was recently handed to Iran coinciding with the release of hostages.  Apparently this administration’s idea of putting a lid on a nuclear program is by funding it.


Hillary said that we will stand up against mean and divisive rhetoric wherever it comes from.  This must mean according to who the rhetoric is directed toward and however they determine mean and divisive.  If the rhetoric is supporting the principles and ideals that made America the freest, strongest, most prosperous, and most protected nation on earth, then it is considered by the Hillary and Obama bunch to be mean and divisive.  Their idea of not being mean and divisive is to embrace immorality, the killing of babies, the over-running of our country by illegal entrants, the giving of our income to the federal government for them to waste as they please, the handing over of our country to our enemies, and the silencing of those who object to this.

It is discouraging to know that out of such a large field of what appeared to be qualified candidates, we are left with two undesirable nominees for the presidency of the United States.  These are our choices, so instead of voting for the candidates, we should think of it as voting for the party platforms that they represent, and these platforms represent two very different ideals.



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