Governing Authority

Americans have an opportunity this year to elect a president that may dust off the Constitution, read it, study it, and abide by it. Next to God’s law, the Constitution is the ultimate law of our country. Any law contrary to God’s law or the Constitution is no law at all; it is a non-law.

There are many non-laws that have been passed in Washington, one being Obamacare. Because this non-law forces funding for the murder of babies, it violates God’s law that tells us murder is wrong; it violates the Declaration of Independence, where in its second paragraph it states that one of our unalienable rights is life; it violates the preamble of the Constitution which declares the reasons for ordaining and establishing the Constitution: to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Under Obamacare, these reasons for ordaining and establishing the Constitution have been denied to our unborn citizens. Since Obamacare violates God’s law, it also violates the First Amendment to the Constitution, which declares the right to the free exercise of religion. These are only some of the reasons it is unlawful. Obamacare contradicts God’s law, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, the ultimate laws of our country, therefore it is a non-law.

Obedience to a non-law that is contrary to God’s law or the Constitution is disobedience to God, since He tells us in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Romans to not resist governing authority. In the United States of America, the governing authority under God is the people. The Constitution begins with “We the people…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Through their representatives, the people established the Constitution as the ultimate law second only to God’s law. We know that our government is based on God’s law because the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence refers to the “separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them.” Likewise, the second paragraph makes clear the truth that our unalienable rights are given to us from our Creator. God’s law cannot be changed, but the Constitution can be changed by the people. Therefore, the order of authority is God, the people, and then the Constitution. Our government officials are merely servants of the people, to be respected and honored, but given a duty to serve the people.

Our obedience to authority requires obedience to laws, not non-laws. We have been negligent in allowing many non-laws to be passed and enforced. We should now work to remove these and be in obedience to the true laws. While this may present us with great opposition from those who are deceived or are willing to abide by and enforce the non-laws, this is our duty.

To read the Declaration of Independence go to:

To read the United States Constitution go to:

To read the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, and the other amendments to the Constitution, go to:

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