Falling America

It is unbelievable what is happening in America.  The slow erosion of freedom, integrity, honor, and decency has changed to mass wasting of these characteristics.  Apparently we have become a nation of fools who think that servitude, immorality, dishonor, and indecency are an improvement to our country.  It seems that every chance we have to correct the course of America, we choose not to.

It is a given that the Democratic party presidential candidates are anti-Christian and anti-American, but there was a viable Republican candidate in the race that had proven in the Senate and in his campaign that he solidly stood for Christian principles and the Constitution.  Instead of getting behind this man of ability and integrity, the majority of Republican voters chose to disregard these characteristics.  Apparently for the majority of Americans, many of those professing to be Christians, and even some pastors, character and honor is not an essential element in choosing a president.

President Obama’s legacy is ending on the note that he wants girls and boys, men and women to use the same bathrooms and showers; a continuation of his desire for the destruction of America.  Our congressmen and senators are too dignified or are of the same mindset to throw him out on his ear and give him his just punishment for all his crimes, while the majority of Americans are too materialistic to recognize the visible and invisible attack we are under.  The framers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would be appalled at the caliber of many in our government offices, pulpits, and positions of leadership.  The Puritans laid the foundation of liberty in this land, which is the rock of ages, Jesus Christ.  They would be ashamed and devastated at what we have become.

If freedom is to be passed to our children, we must rebuild upon the foundation of freedom; upon the solid Rock.  As a building on a poor foundation will develop fractures and eventually collapse under its own weight, our country is collapsing upon us because we have stopped building on the Rock.  Therefore we have to tear down the structure of hedonism that has been built upon the foundation of deceit.  Freedom is found in Truth.  Let us realize that the unparalleled prosperity and protection of the United States was possible because of that Truth and the form of government that He blessed us with, which is found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

To read more about the outrageousness of the the president and something we can do about it, go to:


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