The words to the hymn, “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” speak to the time we are now in, a time in which the ring of freedom is fast fading. How many can sing the first verse of this song? In how many hearts would the words stir a patriotic passion to regain and retain the freedom for which many have suffered and died?
The current Coronavirus hype and hysteria have caused many to trade precious freedom for the “safety” offered by “experts” and the “government”. The hymn mentioned above contains the phrase “land where my fathers died”, but the land will now be known throughout history as “land where the people were scared of a typically nonfatal virus, so we gave up our freedom and on the government we relied.” The God given rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness ingrained in the Declaration of Independence, and the First Amendment affirmation of the right of assembly and the free exercise of religion have been taken away (willingly given away by many) as if America had suddenly been taken over by some callous communist regime. Deceit and fear have quickly led many to comply with what is obviously a devastating blow to liberty and economic stability.
Who could believe that to stop a serious but usually nonlethal virus, American citizens would be ordered to shut down their “nonessential” businesses for weeks or months, to not send their children to school, and to stay put in their homes; that prisoners would be released so they wouldn’t spread the virus to each other; that citizens would be herded like lemmings through “essential” establishments, while of course keeping the arbitrary six feet apart rule; that weddings and even funerals would not be allowed; and that our elected officials would unconstitutionally authorize an astronomical amount of the people’s own money, and money that doesn’t even exist, to be redistributed in an attempt to appease and to justify forcing them to not earn wages.
The Covid crackdown is an attempt to topple what Leftists hate: a free people and Jesus Christ who gives that freedom. Can a nation long survive when likely one-fifth of the work force is not working for weeks and months? Time will tell the outcome of such unprecedented and criminal governmental action.