The Credibility of the Incredible is Incredible

Much of America and the world is in a state of denial and make believe.  To many people  with great influence, right has become wrong and wrong has become right.  Maybe because it is the path of least resistance, many others who don’t necessarily agree with the reversal of right and wrong nonetheless go along with the falsehood, or at least do nothing to counter it.  It is incredible that credibility has been given to those who are obviously incredible.

This is not to say that these incredible people are amazing or extraordinary in a positive sense; far from it.  They are incredible in a most negative use of the word, meaning they lack credibility, and yet they are accepted as having valid viewpoints and behavior.  There are various examples of this phenomenon.  One of the most blatant is the acceptance of transvestism and the idea that one can choose his or her gender, even to the point of surgically altering his or her body.  Until recently, those confused about whether they are male or female were helped to overcome their confusion.  Now they are encouraged to stay confused and to pretend to be the opposite sex that they were born.  They are even voted into public office or are party candidates.  Click below for more on this:

Another example of the make believe phenomenon is socialism.  Although variations of this form of government have been tried time and again in an assortment of countries, it always results in death and destruction; if not by violent totalitarian tactics, then by the results of taking from some to give to others.   Socialists tout free health care, free education, free housing, free this, that, and the other.  These “free” items are very costly to those who are actually trying to make a living.  Their cost is obvious when they see their pay stub tax with-holdings amount.  Such taking and giving leads to fewer employment opportunities because there is less capital left for individuals to create businesses, deficient healthcare due to system overrun and red tape,  and other harm inflicted upon individuals and families because of loss of freedom, income, and government interference.  Still, today it is being promoted by many who are under the pretend delusion.

Then there is the torture and killing of babies in their mothers’ wombs, and the selling of the babies’ body parts.  How can anyone with any sense of compassion and regard for the life of another human being give credence to such barbarity?

The military is another area of pretend.  Throughout all of history it has been known that a strong military is vital to a strong country.  Yet many in positions of influence play like we can weaken our armed forces and remain secure as a nation.  They have closed military bases, and let equipment fall into short supply and disrepair.

Incredibly, they want to allow men who think they are women and women who think they are men to serve in the armed forces and actually let them carry arms, while at the same time they call for better background checks for civilians because those with mental problems might be buying weapons.

They also allow known enemies to serve in the military, resulting in the death and injury of numerous troops.

The country’s border is another sector of the Left’s fantasy land.  To them, there is no border.  They would and have allowed any and all to flow freely into the country.  Besides the crime of illegal entry, many commit other crimes which are often violent, and partake of generous handouts of taxpayers’ money and citizens’ jobs.  The Left has no regard for the American ideal which draws so many.  This ideal dissipates with each immigrant that enters illegally, and with each one that has no intention of assimilating to American customs and beliefs.

Financial fantasy guides the Left when determining what to do with other people’s money.  The more they can take from others to put in their own pockets, waste, or hand over to others, the more they like it.  In their consideration, taxing, borrowing, and printing money, which are the only ways government obtains money, should be done in ever increasing amounts.  Outside of their fantasy this results in less freedom and fractured families because of financial failure.  Prices go up and income goes down, then through tax-funded Leftist programs, people are propped up financially and become dependent on the government which then requires more of other people’s money to prop more people up.  The cycle continues until all the people run out of money, then the government (those who had siphoned off plenty of the money while it was available) and those who do their bidding take over completely and there is no longer freedom but only slavery.–Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island_djvu.txt

How are those who are in favor of such nonsense given any credibility at all?  For the most part, these are supposed to be intelligent adults.  There are two types of people here.  Those who actually think that such nonsense is a good idea, and those who know that it is a path to the failure of a free nation.  The former are deceived and the latter are deceivers that desire control of people and possession of what is not theirs.  They must be stopped.


  1. so far what i have read is what i define as very original. something that i seek as a writer. i’ll comment again whenever i finish reading.

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