The State of Virginia and the Country Should Be Ashamed

While apparently not the first, the state of Virginia is perhaps the most noted for knowingly electing an insane person to public office.  Recently, a man who thinks he is a woman was elected to their state legislature.  Click on the link below to read more about this.

If indeed this was an honest election, which with voter fraud and other election irregularities abounding makes one wonder, what does this say about the sanity of those electing such a person to state government or any other position?

The left-wing media has consistently promoted insanity and immorality such as pornography, homosexuality, transvestitism, same sex “marriage”, indecent movies and television programs, the killing of babies, giving safe harbor to criminals, and more.  Now they are attempting to portray some sort of high standard of character by coming against those accused or admitting to sexual misconduct.  This level of hypocrisy is off the charts.  The Left is all about sexual misconduct, but when it is manifested among public figures, and in some way serves their purpose, they are suddenly agents of honor and respectability.  While many of the Left’s own have admitted guilt for their sexual wrongdoing, Alabama U. S. Senate candidate and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has denied such allegations, and most if not all of his accusers have been proven to be liars.

There is no excuse for improper behavior, just as there is no excuse for indecency.  Men (and women) should keep their hands (and other parts) to themselves.  Likewise, women (and men) should keep their body parts from being exposed.  Many women in the last several years, particularly some seen in news clips of movie awards ceremonies for instance, or in news photos of celebrities, do not attire themselves in a way that lessens the likelihood of being improperly touched or otherwise violated.  At least one of those currently complaining about being the victim of sexual misconduct falls into this category.  God speaks in 1 Timothy 2:9: “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”  It is beneficial to continue with the rest of this passage even though, except for the word “propriety”, it is somewhat off subject: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.  I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” (11-12)  Why?  “For Adam was formed first, then Eve.  And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.  But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.” (13-15)

Roy Moore has taken a stand for righteousness to the point of losing his job twice.  This would seem to prove his integrity, and men of integrity are what America needs in government offices, as well as men and women of integrity as citizens.  The condition of the country (immorality, lack of security, debt, violence, etc.)  makes clear what people without integrity do to a country.  To knowingly elect a deranged person to office, as just happened in Virginia, speaks volumes to where the “leaders, the smart ones, the experts” of our country have led us.  As God says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  Also in Hosea 4:14, “a people without understanding will come to ruin!”

Those who stand for for truth and righteousness, as is found in the Bible, and for lawfulness as is found in the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, are those who should be leading the nation.  Those who are obviously insane (a man thinking he’s a woman for instance), or who are contradictory to God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, should never be elected; and should be removed from office if they have been elected.  If our country is to get back on the right track, the media, officials, and citizens who stand for sin and corruption should be ostracized and not validated.








The Left Hates Freedom

The United States was founded on freedom.  This is why the Left wants to fundamentally change America.  America stands for freedom, and the Left stands for bondage.  Progressives (the Left) should rather be called Regressives, because they would have America and the west in general go back to the feudal system of the dark ages.

In the dark ages, the king, the nobles (the government), and the Pope (the “church”) owned the land and everything on it.  Everyone else (the peasants) answered to them and were dependent upon them for their survival.  If a peasant caused trouble by complaining that his taxes were too high, suggested that perhaps the Pope and the “church” weren’t teaching the truth of the Bible, or raised other issues of lies or injustice, then they and their family would be forced from their home and their livelihood.  They would be left to starve, be imprisoned, or killed.  For this the Left is striving.  Those at the top (bottom, as in Abyss, may be a better description) believe they are the king, nobles, or Pope with all the power, wealth, and wisdom to rule over the ignorant peasants.  These would be those such as George Soros, Barack Obama, the Clintons, and other such evildoers.  The rest, the followers, are just deceived into believing the lies that this feudal system is better than freedom.

Consider the Kleines who owned a bakery in Gresham, Oregon.  For standing on their belief that homosexual “marriage” is wrong, which of course it is, homosexual activists and the state of Oregon forced them out of business.  The state levied a fine against the Kleines, stole $135,000 out of their bank account, and ordered them to not speak publicly about the case.  Such cases of government lawlessness are plentiful.

The leaders of the Left want to destroy Christianity, America, and freedom (CAf) by any and all means.  The media and education system are under their control to spread lies and promote their destructive agenda.  Immorality and open borders are key elements in accomplishing their goal.  Another component is supplying the enemy with weapons to be used against CAf.  The following link describes the Clintons’ and others’ involvement in supplying raw material for nuclear weapons to Russia.

It is not hard to see that those on the Left are not only aiding and abetting the enemy, they are the enemy.  Proof of this abounds, such as in the following video of a discussion concerning leniency toward desertion in the U. S. military and supplying an enemy of America with weapons.

We must surpass the Left’s desire and effort to destroy CAf by our desire and effort to preserve CAf.  At this point, Lord willing, it can be done through repentance, prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, seeking truth, speaking out, and standing for what is true and honorable.  This is a critical time for CAf, we can’t afford to be complacent and indifferent.





Make America Great (Godly) Again

If America is to be great again, it must become Godly again.  It is not enough to secure the borders, cut taxes, or create jobs.  While these issues are important and necessary, the moral issues will make or break America, or any other country for that matter.  More accurately, whether America repents and returns to its Christian roots will determine whether America will be great again.

The Left and other non-Christians advance their evil that is destroying America.  Christians must enthusiastically advance truth, humility, and righteousness (Psalm 45:4).  We cannot afford to keep it to ourselves because our future and the future of our children is at stake.  America has been a source of freedom and truth for the world, but we have become a source of bondage and lies by our complacency and corruption.  We have allowed wickedness to corrupt our nation through media, government, and the education system. We have been overwhelmed with the lies of the Left.  It is time to overwhelm the Left with Truth.

We cannot make our own right and wrong.  The Creator, as mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, has given us our rights, and a standard of right and wrong.  These standards are unchangeable, such as that murder is wrong, even the murder of an unborn baby.  A man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man is wrong.  Men with men and women with women as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend or a married couple is wrong. Pornography and profanity are wrong and are not protected by “freedom of speech”.  All religions other than Christianity are false religions and are not protected by “freedom of religion”, and are not to be condoned by our government.  There are many other lies of the Left that need to be corrected, such as concerning the second amendment, border security, taxes, and government spending to name a few.

Those in offices of government, those seeking government office, and we as a people should follow the example of Roy Moore, the Alabama U. S. Senate candidate of 2017.  Below are two links that show what he is about and the direction that we the people ought to be moving.

How long will we let the Left perpetrate their lies?  Will we consider them acceptable and sensible?  The speech and behavior that they espouse as liberating, beneficial, and honorable is obviously unwholesome, destructive and dangerous.  Let the Lord Jesus Christ deliver us from deception and delusion to truth and reality.



The Left is Insane, Not the President

There are those on the Left that are calling for the removal of the president from office because of insanity.  The insane are not reliable judges of sanity.  One definition of “insane” in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is “unable to think in a clear or sensible way.” The Left has already proven its insanity.  The media and other Leftists try to deceive themselves and everyone else into thinking that abnormal is normal; that good is bad and bad is good.  There are many examples of the Left being unable to think in a clear or sensible way.  They believe that the following are good and proper, while those with good judgement know otherwise:

Killing babies.


Same sex “marriage”.



Same sex bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms.


Open borders.

Letting our enemies into the country and into our government.


Taking away the right to keep and bear arms.

Less freedom.

Prohibiting the teaching of what is good and right according to the standards of the One that determines what is good and right, and given to us in the Ten Commandments and the Holy Bible.

Government controlled healthcare.

Government control of everything.

If the Left thinks that President Trump is mentally unstable, what would be its reaction to a president that is a firm believer in Jesus Christ and His gospel, and a solid conservative?  Apparently, those of us with such beliefs and principles are all considered deranged and deplorable by the media and other Left-wingers.  However, they are the deranged and their deception is dangerous, especially since they are loud and they have a hold on news broadcasts, education, entertainment, and the government.  They are well funded and their goal is to destroy America as we have known it.

As of late, they have been attempting to blot out American history by removing monuments and statues.  This is not to end the honoring of Confederates, but to erase America’s history altogether because it is based on Christianity and the freedom Christianity represents.  Jesus said that the truth will set us free, and that is what happened in the Civil War: truth set many free.  This is where the struggle is, between truth and deception, as it has been since the beginning of time (Genesis 3).  The deception of the Left is made unmistakable in the example of their claims that a man can be a woman or a woman can be a man.  (“from the beginning of creation God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6, Genesis 1:27)

The Confederacy doesn’t represent Christianity, but the left is trying to remove the truth of American history.   They are removing what they consider to be a representation of slavery while trying to instill slavery with big government as the master.  This is just the next phase in their plan to take down the United States.  They have been widely successful in advancing their agenda, such as mainstreaming immorality and sexual deviancy, censoring the Bible and the Ten Commandments (truth), stigmatizing nationalism, and taking control of the media, education, the entertainment industry, and much of the government.

It is evident that the Left is not just about destroying Confederate history, but American history.  Christopher Columbus statues have also been attacked, as well as others that are not connected to the Confederacy, but are a part of America.

More and more, Christianity and Christians in America are under attack by the Left, because Christianity is the root of their hatred of America.  They propagate Islam, because it teaches the same hatred toward Christians.

They hate Truth, which is Jesus Christ.  To reject truth and willingly accept lies is what is insane, and many go along because it is the path of least resistance.  Like all nations, America has sin in its past, but it was founded upon Truth, and has been blessed to be able to spread truth and aid to many.  God has richly blessed America with provision and protection.  Those with evil motivation want to tear it down at any cost.

Jamestown Settlers Covenant Dedication, 1607 –

“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains… May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant…”

Mayflower Compact, 1620 –

“Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia….”



Democrats Still Control the Senate

A once in a lifetime opportunity exists for Republican legislators in Washington to put in place the common sense ideals expressed in the Republican platform, and put an end to the Democratic Party’s country killing corruption.  With control of the House, the Senate, the presidency, and many state governments, many of the congressmen and senators are still finding excuses to keep our country on a slippery socialist slope.

Click here for the Republican Party platform:

Or here:[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf

Compare to the Democrat Party platform:

The filibuster is now to blame for their lack of courage and will to stand against the loud mouths of the Left. Americans elected Republicans to repeal Obamacare and to help end all the other Leftists’ nonsense.  The filibuster, which allows a handful of Democrats to block any progress toward that end, is not required by the Constitution, and can be easily done away with as it was for Supreme Court nominations.  However, many of those who claim to be Republicans have signed on to a letter stating their opposition to ending the 60 vote rule that basically puts Democrats in charge of the Senate.  According to the American Family Association, 30 Republican senators have joined in agreement to let the Democrats stay in charge.

Click here for more info:

Click here to see these 30 senators and get their phone numbers:

Their likely excuse for this is that if Democrats ever retake the Senate, then the Republicans would need the filibuster to stop them.  If this happened, the Democrats would make their coup de grace and end the filibuster, which these senators lack the courage or will to do.  Besides, the Democrats don’t have to retake the Senate, they never have lost it.

The same problem is in the House of Representatives: